Tuesday, April 28, 2020

5 Keys to Managing a Career Transition - Hallie Crawford

5 Keys to Managing a Career Transition Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” While this quote is inspiring and easy to say, in reality it can be harder to actually implement, as we all know. And even when the first action step is implemented, the transition itself can still be stressful and scary. This is especially true when making a major career transition. Our jobs pay our bills, and in many cases, our career is part of how we define ourselves. So making a change in this area can be especially stressful. Here are five things that can make your career transition easier. 1.  Keep a journal. Research shows that writing can have a positive effect on the body, and writing during stressful times helps you more effectively cope with the stress and reduces the negative effects of stress on the body. Action Step: Schedule two nights a week to write your feelings down about your transition. Dedicate 10â€"20 minutes to this in a quiet place where you won’t feel inhibited to write down your true feelings. 2.  Set limits. Set boundaries for yourself to not get overwhelmed. Determine how much time you can devote each week, realistically, to your transition so it doesn’t take over all of your waking hours outside of work. Set realistic goals for your transition so you don’t get overwhelmed all at once. Action Step: Before you begin your transition, decide how much time you can spend each week and schedule it in your calendar, and establish two to three realistic goals for the next one to three months to get you started. 3. Take care of your body. Exercise helps to relieve stress and anxiety, and endorphins help you feel happier and energized, so this is especially important during a career transition. Action Step: Schedule 15â€"20 minutes of exercise three times a week. Try H.I.I.T. workouts; they are short and effective. 4.  Seek support. Decide who you are going to talk to about your change, who is positive, and who will boost you up. Determine who you shouldn’t talk to about it because they may bring you down. Surround yourself with positive friends and family members. Action Step: Determine who will support you. Reach out to two to three people who have succeeded in their own career changes for tips and advice. Ask them for specifically what you need: a cheerleader, an objective opinion, or just time to vent when you are frustrated. 5. Focus on the positive. During a career transition, it’s easy to focus on the negative, so make a big effort to eliminate the negative thoughts and find something to be positive about daily. Action Step: Avoid listening to or reading other people’s “horror stories” where careers are concerned. At the end of every day, try to think of at least three positive things that have happened regarding your transition: a new connection made, a conversation with a friend, an adjustment to your resume. Career transitions can be happy and exciting times, full of opportunity. Much of that depends on how often you are able to stay positive, and willing to step out of your comfort zone. So go ahead. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Best Way to Consolidate Prior to Ten Years

The Best Way to Consolidate Prior to Ten YearsThe best way to consolidate prior to ten years is to change one thing about your resume. This one thing has to be the area of career that you've spent the most time on in recent years.It has to be something that the reader's attention is going to be focused on. If you use a lot of flashy language, then it might not be appropriate for this particular job that you are applying for.Resumes are frequently written in a very hurried manner. Some call it 'snatching'. If your resume is more than one page long, then it probably will not be accepted and you will be a candidate for a more appropriate position.There are a few things that you can do before you write your resume so that it will be more likely to be accepted by a potential employer. One is to go over it with a fine tooth comb.Write about a specific business. If you are looking for an accounting position, write about a specific accounting firm. If you are a medical billing positions, the n write about a specific company or hospital.Make sure you make it as if it is a business that you are interested in. If you are applying for jobs at different companies, then make sure that you will be able to write about your work history at each company. Try to include some stories to indicate why you would be a good fit.All of these steps will help in making the job description more complete. This will help you write a more professional and helpful resume.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Get the Scoop on Activities for Resume Writing Before Youre Too Late

Get the Scoop on Activities for Resume Writing Before You're Too Late Writing a successful resume is dependent upon several factors. Work history does not need to be limited to professional work experience. Since you may see, there are lots of examples in which you are able to show accomplishments. When writing a resume, it helps to review resume examples that are associated with your occupation. New Step by Step Roadmap for Activities for Resume Writing You won't have the ability to remember everything at once. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional way. It's also important to think about the sort of work you really wish to be hired to do. Since you'll see below, there are quite specific techniques you should categorize and organize your work, which might not fit neatly into the typical expert format. Top Choices of Activities for Resume Writing The degree of creativity you are able to apply to your resume is dependent upon your field of expertise. If so, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the range of your abilities and abilities. It's important to get complete understanding about tailoring resumes. By way of example, maybe you need to transition from 1 career path to quite a different one. Certain extracurricular activities are clearly beneficial for certain jobs. A commitment to an extracurricular activity on a lengthy time indicates a focus and dedication that is extremely impressive on a resume and may lead to a work interview, especially if you've received honors or awards for your efforts. If you have little teaching experience, include volunteer positions and co-curricular pursuits that involve teaching in some manner. You will also find a good example of a resume written especially for an early childhood education job. The Ultimate Activities for Resume Writing Trick Controversial or potentially illegal pursuits and interest also needs to be excluded. Second, effective communication demands an awareness of someone's audience. Finally the brainstorming and purpose-setting is done, and it's time to receive students to really create the very first draft of their resume. Resume writing has students imagine an extremely specific audience usually a possible employer and reinforces the value of writing for a true audience. You may rather not write about any of your activities in your own personal statement, but a lot of schools will request that you submit a supplemental essay about an activity of your selection. Many people don't think of their day-to-day work experiences as accomplishments. You can rely on the very best essay help online. Choosing Activities for Resume Writing Is Simple Just remember that as a rule of thumb, personal blogs ought to be avoided if there's any content that's not appropriate to share professionally. When you get knowledgeable about the formatting, after that you can move on to its content. If yo u are searching for resume writing examples to find inspiration from, then using tired old formats that everybody else is using is probably not the best way to go. There are several sorts of skills you are able to list on your resume. Teaching jobs usually need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. What to Expect From Activities for Resume Writing? Showing some interests and activities beyond your work experience could really offer you a leg up over the remaining portion of the candidates. 1 Actually, in marketing, it's what you say and the way you say it. If you're open to different kinds of jobs, let us know. Now imagine you're asking for a corporate advertising job with Marriott and you chance to be riding in the exact same elevator with a department manager who's escorting you to your interview.